Riding Lessons
We offer western-style horsemanship and riding lessons.
Our riding lessons are private lessons and are an hour-long, with 35-40 minutes spent in the saddle.
Students learn to groom and saddle their horse with close supervision and then mounting/dismounting and walk/trot, then progress to loping and pattern work.
Lessons are $375 for the six (6) lesson session. Lessons are once a week or you can fast-track with two a week. We also do lessons every other week.
Not sure? Try a half package (three lessons) $200 and if you love it, your child loves it, we love it..... sign up for three more or get the 6 lesson package!
A single lesson, perfect if you are going on vacation where you will be experiencing a trail ride for the first time, are available for $75 per lesson, per person, for a 30-minute lesson (mounting/dismounting, learning how to go left/right and start/stop, no tacking/grooming) in the arena, with a short trail ride to get used to the motion of a horse on a trail.
Lessons are offered to ages 6 and up. Arena Rides are available to younger kids just learning to sit on a horse!
Current Availability: Tuesday/Thursday mornings/afternoons and weekends.
Please Note: We are closed on Wednesday

Safety Information
This is a must-read as you agree to these terms when you register
We strive to run safe trips. All guests should realize the inherent dangers in horseback riding and other outdoor activities.
They should be in good physical condition. Each guest will be required to sign an “Agreement to Participate and An Affirmation of Risk” (see waiver form below). Guests under the age of eighteen will need a parent’s signature on the agreement. Only parents and legal guardians can sign these forms. If you are bringing your kid’s friends, these forms can be downloaded from our website in advance of your stay/ride so their parent/guardian can sign the waiver and date it the day(s) they will be here.
Pregnant riders must have signed authorization from your OB-GYN stating you are able to ride and the date you are going to ride. If you do not have a written “okay from your doctor” we CANNOT let you ride.
We ride Western. All of the rides are guided. We do not allow double riding. Children must wear helmets, which we provide. Riders with no experience are welcome!
Please Note: Persons over 240 pounds are not able to be adequately accommodated due to saddle size, their comfort, and the comfort of our horses. We hope you understand that for the safety, comfort, and well being of everyone involved that we cannot allow persons over 240 pounds to ride with us.
Please read our full Horse Riding Rules and Policies Page as you agree to these terms by signing up and it is critical you understand everything and ask questions prior to coming out.
Please note: All cancellations must be made in writing.